Translational Development Neuroscience / Neurosciences translationnelles du cerveau en développement
Colloque organisé par Regina Sullivan (University of Oklaoma, USA) et Pierre-Marie Lledo (Institut Pasteur, Paris) du 24 au 29 septembre 2012
Katharina Braun, Eero Castren, Gérard Coureaud, Ghislaine Dehaene, Stanislas Dehaene, Megan Gunnar, Takao Hensch, Barry Keverne, Marie-Odile Krebs, Pierre-Marie Lledo, Anne-Marie Mouly, Gal Richter-Levin, Mar Sanchez, Carmen Sandi, Benoist Schaal, Nuria Sebastian Galles, Regina Sullivan, Nim Tottenham Delafield, Donald Wilson
Our Fall 2012 meeting at the « Foundation des Treilles » brought together Neuroscientists from distinct levels of analysis to present their novel approaches within research disciplines ranging from developmental neurobiology to developmental psychology and cognitive development. The presentations highlighted and integrated levels of analysis and cross-species research resulting in increased understanding of translating basic research to clinical relevance. The goal of this meeting was to develop a clearer understanding of the concept of mental and physical diseases as developmental in origin and integrate view of development and its complexities. To this end, we attempted to identify gaps in our knowledge. We also attempted to build bridges between diverse theoretical frameworks and experimental paradigms used by different levels of analysis. We suggest that the linking of different levels of analysis (i.e. bench to bedside) will transform developmental research and improve life.
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Fondation des Treilles (29 septembre 2012). Translational Development Neuroscience / Neurosciences translationnelles du cerveau en développement. Les carnets de la Fondation des Treilles. Consulté le 18 février 2025 à l’adresse