Langue et émotion / Language and Emotion
Séminaire organisé par Bee-Chin Ng (Nanyang Technological University, Singapour) du 30 avril au 5 mai 2018
Jeanette Altarriba, Dana Basnight-Brown, Denis Burnham, Francesco Cavallaro, Jean-Marc Dewaele, Ludmila Isurin, Suzanne Knaller, Veronika Künkel, Renata Meuter, Bee-Chin Ng, Anne Pauwels, Alain Peyraube, Daniel Rellstab, Suzanne Romaine, Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Yesim Sevinc, Tan Ying Ying, Jyotsna Vaid, Xie Wen Han, Thekla Wiebusch
Un groupe de 17 experts internationaux et deux doctorants de différentes disciplines se sont réunis aux Treilles du 30 avril au 5 mai 2018 pour analyser et discuter les derniers résultats de recherche sur le langage et les émotions. Le groupe a également examiné 60 contributions au Handbook of Language and Emotion de Gesine Lenore Schiewer, Jeanette Altaribba et Ng Bee Chin. Ce volume, qui sera publié par Mouton De Gruyter en 2020, présentera l’état de la recherche dans une perspective multidisciplinaire.
La complexité de la thématique de l’émotion est au centre de nombreux domaines concernant l’art, la science et la technologie. Les articles et contributions discutés ont abordé le langage et les émotions du point de vue de la psychologie et de la psychologie clinique, des problèmes de santé, de la linguistique, de l’anthropologie, des études culturelles et médiatiques, de la littérature, du droit, de l’art et du design, de la philosophie, de l’histoire, de la sociologie, de l’éducation, de l’informatique et de l’économie.
Les participants sont venus de diverses institutions d’Australie, de Grande-Bretagne, des États-Unis, d’Allemagne, d’Autriche, de Londres, de Finlande, de Finlande, de Singapour, du Kenya, d’Oslo et de France.
Au cours de ces cinq journées, les participants ont présenté à tour de rôle les 60 articles. Le groupe d’experts les a ensuite examinés un par un dans le détail et a proposé des amendements pour chacun d’entre eux. Le but de la discussion a été de mettre l’accent sur les liens interdisciplinaires entre les sujets et de créer une cohérence dans la rigueur de la recherche tout en maintenant la diversité des voix et des contributions. Un autre objectif essentiel a été de veiller à ce que les connaissances présentées soient accessibles et utiles tant pour les jeunes chercheurs que pour les chercheurs confirmés.
En dehors des discussions prévues sur les contributions au manuel, les participants ont eu de nombreuses occasions de réseautage tous les jours pendant les pauses et les soirées. Cela a donné lieu à de nombreuses collaborations et échanges de bourses d’études. L’atmosphère conviviale de la Fondation des Treilles a offert au groupe un cadre idyllique pour de nombreuses sessions d’échanges académiques stimulants. Cela a non seulement été d’une valeur inestimable pour compléter le Manuel sur Langage et émotion, mais aussi pour renforcer le réseau et les relations solides entre les chercheurs. Cet aspect intangible du temps passé aux Treilles est peut-être l’aspect le plus précieux de l’expérience, car nous savons que le réseau sera préservé pour de nombreuses années à venir.
Compte-rendu (en anglais)
As previewed, there were 20 participants of the workshop, among them, the three editors of the Handbook on “Language and Emotion”, and 15 additional experts from the fields of linguistics, psychology, intercultural studies belonging to the scientific committee of the handbook, the president of the Scientific Council of the Fondation les Treilles, Alain Peyraube, as well as the Directrice generale of the Fondation les Treilles, Anne Bourjade. The members of the scientific committee of the handbook present for the workshop came from the US, Australia, Singapore, and several European countries, among them Germany, the UK, Switzerland, and France.
Preparation of the meeting
The participants each had been assigned to 4-5 papers of the planned handbook as main reviewers and to another 4-5 articles as secondary reviewers. They had been provided with the texts of the articles, the preliminary table of content of the handbook, and guidelines for reviewing some weeks ahead of the workshop for preparation. In addition, workshop participants could consult all available articles as electronic version on a platform provided by the handbook editors, in order to gain a better understanding of the planned handbook as a whole, and to compare the articles assigned to them with other papers. The librarian of the Fondation de Treilles had provided a small exhibition of books relevant for the topic of the seminar, that could be consulted throughout the week.
Programme of the seminar and main activities
The seminar was scheduled for 5 days. In total, 59 out of the planned 144 handbook articles were available for the reviewing session.
The workshop followed the below schedule:
- Arrival (Monday, April 30th)
- General introduction of the handbook project and the aims of the seminar
- Small group meetings between participant assigned to the same set of papers, to identify major topics for the plenary discussion (both for individual articles and arising suggestions for the handbook as a whole), as well as points of disagreement in the assessment of articles and in expectations about certain topics.
- Plenary sessions with main reviewers presenting the content of the reviewed articles and their comments and suggestions according to the reviewing guidelines, integrating the comments of second reviewer, general discussion.
- Concluding discussion
- Departure (Saturday, May 5th)
Results of the seminar
All 59 Articles were reviewed according to the guidelines provided by the editors.
A vast majority of them was found suitable for the planned handbook, with certain smaller corrections. For some articles, major revisions were suggested. In the majority of cases, this concerned articles focusing on a small scale research question, instead of giving an overview over the field. In some cases, the language of articles written by non-native speakers was found to be an obstacle to a proper understanding of the content.
A major outcome of the joint discussion – underlining the importance of having this evaluation session uniting experts from several disciplines and countries – was the vast diversity of expectations towards the style and structure of a good handbook article. This diversity of expectations could be attributed both to differences between traditions of academic writing among disciplines, and across cultures.
Whereas the participants agreed that it was desirable not to impose the writing style of one culture or discipline on all others, it was concluded, that it belongs to the tasks of the editors to define the parameters and margins of variation, in order to secure the production of a coherent reference work.
Reviewing articles on topics not belonging to the reviewers’ discipline – as was often the case – proved a very fruitful approach to get an “external” perspective and to sensitize reviewers for methods, research questions and difficulties of other disciplines. The chosen setting resulted in
A number of additional topics for handbook articles were also proposed in the course of the discussions, as well as features requiring further standardization, such as references, footnotes, definitions, use of tables and diagrams, etc.
Future steps
The workshop participants will provide their reviews in written form to the editors, which will share them with the authors.
Based on the preliminary results of the first 2 days, the editors were already able to have a conference call with the publishing house and set the next steps and new deadlines for the submission and publication of the volume, including the question of professional copy-editors that arose during the seminar.
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Fondation des Treilles (5 mai 2018). Langue et émotion / Language and Emotion. Les carnets de la Fondation des Treilles. Consulté le 13 février 2025 à l’adresse